Meet "The Artist" of the Google Logos... Google's Logo Exclusive

Google Logos Collection..

Mother's Day

Father's Day

Women's Day

National Library Day

St. Patrick's Day

St. George's Day

Da Vinci's Birthday

Michelangelo's Birthday

Einstein's Birthday

Ray Charles' Birthday

Dragon's day

Alfred Hitchcock's Birthday

Earth Day


Valentine's Day

Water Day

National Teacher Day

Meet "The Artist" of the Google Logos:

More than 150 million Web surfers around the globe celebrated Korean Independence Day Aug. 15, 2001. Well, at least for a few moments while they were visiting the popular Internet search engine Google. That day, the Korean national flag and several roses of Sharon, the Korean national flower, adorned the familiar "Google" logo on the homepage of the Web site.

Just another day's work for Dennis Hwang (Hwang Jung-moak), a 23-year-old Korean computer artist in the United States , who has been drawing the face of Google for almost two years, creating a buzz of sorts with his simple yet witty designs.

With its seemingly magical ability to produce the most relevant search results, Google is already an established destination for the Internet savvy. Recently, Hwang's creative logos have been expressing the playful heart of Google behind the impressive technology.

For Piet Mondrian's birthday, Hwang transformed the "Google" logo to emulate the artist's signature style of utilizing colorful blocks. Claude Monet's birthday saw the logo turned into a dreamy watercolor, complete with floating lily pads.

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